Daniel Capó

Daniel Capó

The biography seems secondary to me, so I'll be brief. Married and father of two children, I live in Mallorca, although I have lived in many other places. I studied law and I thought about being a diplomat, but I ended up dedicating myself to the world of books and journalism. Since 2000, I write in the opinion pages of Diario de Mallorca and my columns of political analysis appear regularly in newspapers such as La Nueva España, Faro de Vigo, La Opinión de Málaga and Levante, among others. As a literary critic and public essayist in media such as ABC, cultural ABC, Ahora Semanal, The Objective, Letras Libres, New Magazine, Fronterad, etc. I have also collaborated in television and radio programs. Since its founding in 2005, I am part of the advisory board of the Libros del Asteroide publishing house, which is my second home.